About the Journal

The International Journal of Missiology (RIMI) publish texts prepared by Brazilian and foreign researchers on the current theme, as well as it disseminates master's dissertations in Missiology.

Why an Academic Journal on Missions?

RIMI - International Journal of Missiology was an initiative of Amide - Missionary Association for the diffusion of the Gospel to publish the dissertations of students and teachers of their master's program in Missiology and other researchers who are willing acontribuir.

Most books published in the missiological area come from Europe, North America, and South Africa.

The Brazilian Church owes an unpayable debt of gratitude to international Christian thinkers who have produced rich missionary literature and made it available to all peoples.

The idea is for RIMI to cooperate with the awakening of the Missionary Vision among the national and Latin American Christian thinkers to look at the white mission fields for harvest and to be willing to contribute to the international literature by writing about the themes. missionaries, with the Latin American worldview, to respond to the challenge of the Great Commission given by Jesus to his church in the dangerous and challenging context of this century.

The theological liberalism of the 20th century has faded the missionary ardor in many hearts.

There is an urgent task to be accomplished that the glory of God may be seen and recognized among all peoples.

Every nation has its peculiarities and remains Preserve image and likeness of his Creator, which makes it unique, and your church can enrich the world missionary literature.

There is a shortage of books and articles by Latin American thinkers who write about missions from the Holy Scriptures, taking into account the joyful and laid-back manner of their missionaries, who love to make friends and be with them, which is favorable to the cross-cultural field. In this perilous and challenging time, of growing theological liberalism, of tremendously multiplying iniquity, of cooling the love of God in the hearts of men, Latin America can cooperate with the Body of Christ in the world by publishing articles in defense of a missiology based on absolute authority.

AMIDE through CEAM - Center for Advanced Mission Studies, is launching the RIMI, an initiative, dreaming of a group of thinkers who can be called by God to write and publish what they have learned in the meditation of the Word, the search for missionary literature the existing one, to awaken missions in the hearts of the vocated, to teach and train future missionaries, and to awaken Brazilian and Latin scholars, so that together they may do Missions to praise the glory of the Living God.